Saturday, June 26, 2010

Passage to Port Dover, Ontario

Setting sun over Presque Isle as I return to Port Erie

Waterside shops dot the Lynn River as you head toward the bascule bridge

The welcoming pierhead light at Port Dover
On June 25 I set out at 0145 for a night sail across the lake to Port Dover, Ontario. It was a spectacular moonlit night and it seemed that I had the entire lake to myself. The sailing was fine for about two hours, but then the wind died down, slowing me to a crawl. Up went the "iron jib" and I arrived in time to make the 0900 raising of the bascule drawbridge. A warm welcome as usual was offered by the Port Dover Yacht Club. Two boats from my club arrived shortly after me and we all had a great day at dockside quaffing beer and engaging in good conversation. The following day, after breakfast at the Dairy Bar and a visit to the Lion's Club Market down by Silver Lake, I headed back out on the lake, making the 1230 bridge opening. Winds were light but suffiecient to get me to Long Point, but after rounding that they lightened to less than 5 knots, leading me to motor for the remainder of the passage. I finally returned to my slip at the Presque Isle Yacht Club at about 2115, marking the end of another enjoyable passage.

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