Thursday, May 13, 2010

Moonbeam Launched for 2010 Boating Season

On 08 May Moonbeam was successfully launched from her home at the Presque Isle Yacht Club. Shortly after she was secured in her berth, a nasty front blew through with sustained winds in the 40 knot range and continued to roar through the area all day. I doubled up all the lines and set some extra to prevent her from chaffing against the dock and she weathered the blow without incident. Click on the video screen to see Moonbeam playing "rock the dock" during the storm.

Moonbeam in Hibernation

Here's Moonbeam laid up for the winter. I had a custom canvas made for her which she wears very well. The beauty of it is that I can crawl inside my "man cave" and do work on her over the winter. With a good electric heater, I'm impervious to the elements outside. This past winter I re-bedded the starboard cabin window as well as the mast partners. I rebuilt and reset the cabin top hatch, installed a new knot/log/depth meter, and replaced the pedestal guard to house a new instrument pod. In addition, I recoated the interior and exterior teak.